It was May 13th, 1973. We had just got out of high school the year before... well my wife to be just got out of high school. I had quit HS and was playing rock n' roll! We were concert goers! The year before we had gone to see Alice Cooper at the San Diego Sports Arena. We were back and we followed the group to their hotel that night after the concert. The year before they played with Captain Beyond, one of the best concerts I ever went to. This year they played with Flo and Eddie, formerly of The Turtles fame.
Alice introduced his new show - guillotine and new boaconstricter. I think most people under state the effect that Alice Cooper had on the rock scene and rock music. After all, Rock n' Roll is half music and half show! Behind the silliness of his show, was some great musicianship. Alice is an incredibly talented musician. His melodies and songs are advanced as any in the field. The show was a blast! One tune after the next - better than the opera!
After the show we went to their hotel to do a little party-ing with the guys. It was awesome. They were all normal fellas and very cool. There was no pretension and no looking down their nose at us. They invited us in to Alice's room and we sat around and talked. What do you talk about? I don't even recall! I was so stoked at just being able to hang out with them. They were of course exhausted, but still we had a great time.
As for their music. I've kind of lost track over the years. But I still crank up the old stuff now and then. I still get a kick! from "Love It To Death", to "Killer", to "School's Out" to "Billion Dollar Babies", these are my favorite! I have to laugh even now when I think of Donovan singing on Billion Dollar Babies! What a hoot!But still great music! (That's my wife behind Michael Bruce!)
And if known for nothing else, Alice Cooper was the first group to wear dresses! When I first saw that first album with them all dressed up, I thought, "What? A bunch of faggots?" I have no idea what their gender preference is or was, and I really don't care. They blew apart all of the fears! And created greater fears for parents than any other group did. Who cared if Black Sabbath made your kids worship the devil, when Alice was getting them to wear dresses!!!! And not only dresses, but some of the scariest makeup ever. Boy George? Marilyn Manson? They're nobodies! The original was Alice Cooper! And unlike those two losers, his music was... IS awesome! Thanx Vince!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Vince! Dead Babies?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Great King
My gut was shook by Black Sabbath, but then I bought an unknown album called In The Court of The Crimson King and my head went spinnin'! It was moving, but at the same time filled my thoughts with ideas I had never had. It was a whole new experience for my musical palette.
In the mid sixties a couple of brothers named Giles, were looking for a keyboardist that also could sing lead. They found a wizard named Fripp, that couldn't really sing, but played the guitar like no one ever since has heard. His riffs became tangled webs of sensations weaving in and out of emotional highs and lows, and everywhereinbetween. Soon there after Fripp called in his old friend Greg Lake who replaced one of the Giles brothers on bass and became the lead singer. Not long after an ugly covered album with a big blue and red faced troll screaming at you was released.
"The Court" had many redeeming qualities, probably the greatest of all times was 21 First Century Schizoid Man. What a song. Full of expression and feelings, horns and guitars wailed out the feelings of people caught in the struggles of a new world. In a fewminutes all of my anger was expressed in perfect harmonies and screaming cackling. Incredible! But it didn't stop there. Fripp introduced a new instrument to the genre, something called a Mellotron. It made the sounds of singing angels! Not really. But it did strings like no other instrument had so far. I've never seen one up close, but I've heard that it has a tape recorded of every instrument. Keyboards would not be seen the same anymore in rock.
The band changed over the years (see Wikipedia for more info), except for one constant maestro - Robert Fripp, the genius of the new age. As musicians came and went, swirling around the trunk of a mighty tree, masterpieces of musical life were spewed out across the branches. I have been in heaven ever since hearing that first playing of 21st Century Schizoid Man. Lark's Tongues in Aspic was one of my favorites. But to limit my love of King Crimson to a several albums would be to go without desert after a thanksgiving dinner. I simply love it all. However weird, however strange. I can't really pin it down. As corny as it sounds, it speaks to me.
Beethoven was just clowning around compared to King Crimson. It's a devil of a group.
Thanks Bob!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Who Is This Waif?
Would you let this boy date your daughter? Would you give him a job? Would you loan him money? He just looks pitiful - You know what I mean?
Well he's on this blog, so that should give you a clue. Here's a couple more clues. He's a musician - of course. He plays in a band. The band only had two guys in it! But they were great! They made some wonderful music. Oh, BTW, the other guy played the drumkit. It was a frosty relationship. The main instrument this boy-waif played was considered an "old folks" instrument. But he made it sound like angels singing. He is retired now, making "Killer Shrimp". Can I get a witness? Do you know what I mean? Can you tell me who he is? His live stuff is the best. He could really entertain an audience. He was like a preacher, giving a sermon on rock n' roll!
Well all I can say now is you figure it out. Heighty Hi to ya
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Smoke On The Water - Like You've Never Heard It Before!
Hold on to your seat! These guys are serious. And they do a great job!
Even the Japanese know what rocks!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Once Upon A Time, In A Land Far Far Away
I was born and grew up in a small town. Oh yuck! What did I just say! That sounds like a bad line from Mellencamp. Well.. I did though. And I did learn to play guitar. My formative years followed very closely on the heels of the sixties. 80 miles outside L.A., there was nothing but cows and farm land. Like thousands of American teenagers we were bored silly. Some looked for trouble, stealing cars, breaking into buildings, whatever. Some smoked some dope, some took "whites", downers, or even the occasional acid when you could get hold of some. I never did that though! (My kids might read this, I've gotta keep it clean!). But more than anything we listened to music. The rock gods were our idols. But it was more than the rockers themselves, it was the wonderful sounds and music. I ran around with a few guys. You had to find friends if you wanted to survive the small town "downs". But bike riding and climbing trees only goes so far, and I ain't no Opie type for sure.
I had to have a little money and the only way was to find a job. In a small town there's just not much in the way of jobs. Everything's sown up. the good jobs go to brothers and relatives. So I got a job at the local theater. There were two, one a walk-in and another a drive-in. What a glamorous life, picking up trash and moppin' floors. It didn't pay much, but in those days albums were only about three-fifty. The big pay off was that the walk-in had a great sound system. And brother I cranked it up. I was there when Woodstock happened. What a kick. It was an old theater, lodge rocking seats, a big stage with huge Altec Lansing speakers. The old man that owned it was Mr. Martin. He was an interesting fellow at best. Scary to be sure. Hunched over and a real hermit. One of those business men that have stacks of papers and files laying around everywhere in his stale office.
Mr. Martin had a manager named Mr. Hardy. He was one of those guys; 50-60ish, probably divorced long ago. Bald, with sidewalls; hair that he never shampooed. Always a big cigar hanging out of his mouth. Wire rimmed glasses, honging on his big bulbous nose. Wrinkled shirt and dress pants. But aside from all of that Mr. Hardy was cool. Why? He not only ran the theater, was an easy going boss, but he owned the only real record store in town. He was a jazz man. But we didn't care. He wasn't a big rock fan, but he respected what we listened to. Me and the guys would hang out for hours at the record store, spinning vinyl and looking at the catalogues of what would be out next. I still have some of that vinyl sitting on my shelves. Awesome stuff.
But then me and the guys had to do more. We couldn't just listen. We had to get into the mix our self. And just like so many young testosterone filled youth across American we picked up guitars, drums, keyboards and amplifiers. That wasn't easy. Instruments were expensive. I first started with the guitar and then went to the bass when we needed a bottom end. I played it up as a sacrifice on my part. It wasn't. It was big and powerful. It shook the rafters, the floor would vibrate when I hit a chord and your insides would quiver. But when I hit a chord, the guitar player, Dennis would hit a chord, the drummer , Mike, would pound away and Doug would slam down on a chord, altogether... it was something that sounded like gods in heaven coming down to earth. All of those years of frustration, the angst of youth, the adolescent individuation was never better expressed. It was religion. It was an axe, a sword, a GUN in our hands. Weapons to obtain converts. Even today I believe that our music has a vibration that reaches the inner most human soul. Those sounds and vibrations can open the gates to heaven. When God arrives on earth, he wont come in a quiet Cadillac. It'll be in a thunderous commotion of power.
That's how I was exposed to our music. It was more than a social construct; more than a cultural event. It was more than just performance art. Some bands made it in those days. They got contracts, went on to record million selling albums and songs. Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Deep Purple, and others. We played for a few years. Played some clubs, some concerts and did a little recording. We grew apart and like most bands, in the end, we couldn't stand to be in the same room together anymore.
Riding bikes, climbing trees and playing the best music is brought back alive these days with a computer and a set of head phones.
It was the best music of all time.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Soundtrack of My Life Meme
Well, you all know I have daughters. And you all know I love them more than anything. How do you know that? Well, I'm doing this silly meme (I don't even really know what they are). There will be no tags at the end!
Here’s how it works:
1. open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod)
2. put it on shuffle
3. press play
4. for every question, type the song that’s playing
5. new question — press the next button
6. don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool
opening credits: Sysyphus Part I by Pink Floyd
waking up: Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel
first day at school: You Are My Sunshine by Norman Blake from the soundtrack of Oh Brother Where Art Thou
falling in love: Stirb Nicht Vor Mir (Don't Die Before I Do) by Rammstein (album Rosenrot)
breaking up: That's The Way by Led Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin III)
prom: Red by King Crimson (BTW I didn't go to any prom thing!)
life’s okay: Day of The Eagle by Robin Trower
mental breakdown: Can't Cry Anymore by Kansas
driving: In The Midnight Hour by The Commitments (from the same movie)
flashback: Pigs on The Wing by Pink Floyd
getting back together: Bring It On Home by Led Zeppelin
wedding: Say It Isn't So by The Outfield
birth of child: In The Lap of The Gods by The Alan Parsons Project
final battle: Death on Two Legs by Queen
death scene: Into Temptation by Crowded House
end credits: Pinball Wizard by The Who
So that's it. Looks pretty much like me, which is... weird. But like I've said the music of my/our day really expresses our feelings and was really the best music of all time!
Thanks daughter.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Child in Time
The late sixties and early seventies were incredible. So much history, such great music. One of my favorite bands came along at this time. Bands come and go, and band members usually don't stay together for any length of time. And so it was true of Deep Purple. If you want all of the details go to Wikipedia.
I remember first hearing Deep Purple sitting in the drive thru at a local taco stand on my old car radio. It was a hot summer. It's always hot in the summer where I have had to live. Maybe it made it more intense, I don't know. The song was Hush. Purple had a different singer on those first couple of albums; Rod Evans who went on to front Captain Beyond among other projects. What a great voice! Not screaming, not straining (which isn't always bad), but deep, sexy and provoking. The other hits for Purple with Evans fronting them were Kentucky Woman and River Deep Mountain High. Great songs. But then Purple with the best line up ever, got a hold of Ian Gillan. Gillan is still one of my all time favorite singers: power, strength, range and cool! What else is there? Jon Lord on the Hammond B3, with a fuzz peddle - Wow! The rhythm section was awesome, Ian Paice on the kit and Roger Glover on the bass. I learned more from those two than anybody. And then there was Blackmore! Ritchie Blackmore. He's in my top four of five guitarists. Blackmore was always the mystery man. He was reportedly into witchcraft and black magic. You know all the rumors. Regardless, he could bend and bounce strings like no one else.
I once heard Gillan on a record as the lead in Jesus Christ Superstar. I'd pay a hundred bucks for that album if I could find it nowadays. I've looked for it for years to no avail. Gillan was incredible as the lead. I swear I don't think the guy needed an amp or mic. He could just stand there and blast out the notes with out any help at all.
But groups are hard to keep together. I guess when you get four or five guys together with that much testosterone and emotion there's a fight bound to break out sometime. Maybe the ones that stay together don't have that much to brag about!
All I can say is that I owe these guys a debt that I can never repay. The hours of
enjoyment. Driving around in my old Chevy wagon with my girl on my arm... Playing their songs in my own group at clubs and concerts. What great memories they gave me.
Thanx guys!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
It Gets Me Thru
Sometimes the days are long, and the nights even longer. I'm an emotional bloke. I cry at the stupidest movies and over things I'm embarrassed to admit to. I'm not the crying guy, but I do fight depression on a constant basis. So what do I do when I get the blues? Where do I turn when the world gets to be a bit too much?
I turn to MY music.
It doesn't matter which band much or which tune. When I'm pissed I listen to Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Dio or The Doors. Maybe some Grand Funk or Hendrix. When I'm down I'll put on some Pink Floyd, King Crimson, or Jethro Tull. What a support group! I get these guys together and we can solve any problem. The music goes inside, deeper and deeper. It does something to my soul. It lifts my spirit. It reminds me of better days; of youth when I could get away with anything. Turn on Eric Burdon - Monterey , When I Was Young, It's My Life, Sky Pilot, White Houses, or Spill The Wine. No body will look at me crooked or they'll get their ass kicked.
This music does something to a person. It makes you fly. Mind control? Not really. It's an enzyme to a better recipe. And when I need to cook...
So when you start reading this blog. You can rest assure, that as I go through these different artists, and others, that they are all personal to me. I feel like I know them like friends. And just like friends, I get along better with some better than others, some get on my nerves and some I like better than others and so on. Of course your opinion is different. That makes the world go 'round.
So leave me alone right now, while me and my friends get together and do our thing.
See ya' soon.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
We Had the Best Music of All Time!
Ok, I know you're not going to be happy about this. That is if you're younger than 40. I'm over fifty. Oh well. I don't have a whole bunch of things that I can be proud about, but this is one. And it's a big one! Just forget about American Idol and all that Rap and all that pop crap. We had real MUSIC! Let's talk about The Beatles, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd,Paul Rogers and Bad Company, Buffalo Springfield, Cream, and so on and so on. I could go on forever. And I hope I do! And I hope you jump in here and give me a hand.
We had the best music! And that's what this blog is all about. I'm not much interested in talking about Vietnam or the like. But whatever comes up comes up. And politics? It's hard to separate it from our music. I may even stroll into other genres. Is that a word? genre? I like a lot of other stuff. You'll see.
Advertising? Yes I'm going to advertise. Please click through and even buy some crap once in a while. A few pennies will help me out. I hope I will return the favor by putting up some stuff about your favorite band once in a while.
So let's jump in. Give me a chance to get my house around here in shape and we can get on with it. Thanks for lookin' in.